Joined on January 2020
EskimoTV is hosted by Jason Escamilla and features movie reviews and 4K / Blu Ray Unboxing videos. Jason reviews television and video games on special occasions. Jason Escamilla holds a Bachelors degree in Communication and a Masters degree in Education from Texas A&M University Corpus Christi. While he teaches Audio/Video and Animation to high school students, he also goes to the movies usually 2-3x a week! You can find Jason reviewing the newest released films on top hits radio station Planet 102.3 in Corpus Christi, typically every Friday during the 3 PM hour with Dave Ross and Jordan as a part of "Pop News". Additionally, Jason writes and records reviews for EskimoTV, a self-created outlet that launched in 2017. EskimoTV started on YouTube and has grown to its own website, created and managed by co-author David Scott. Jason is a proud member of the Houston Film Critics Society and is also a tomato-meter approved critic on Rotten Tomatoes. For more entertainment content, visit for more icy and chilly reviews, news, and articles written by Jason and collaborator, David Scott. #EskimoT
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